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RFC Index (5201..5300)

RFC Description Author(s) Status Obsoleted by Updated by
5201 Host Identity Protocol R. Moskowitz, P. Nikander, P. Jokela, Ed., T. Henderson Experimental RFC 7401 RFC 6253
5202 Using the Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) Transport Format with the Host Identity Protocol (HIP) P. Jokela, R. Moskowitz, P. Nikander Experimental RFC 7402
5203 Host Identity Protocol (HIP) Registration Extension J. Laganier, T. Koponen, L. Eggert Experimental RFC 8003
5204 Host Identity Protocol (HIP) Rendezvous Extension J. Laganier, L. Eggert Experimental RFC 8004
5205 Host Identity Protocol (HIP) Domain Name System (DNS) Extensions P. Nikander, J. Laganier Experimental RFC 8005
5206 End-Host Mobility and Multihoming with the Host Identity Protocol P. Nikander, T. Henderson, Ed., C. Vogt, J. Arkko Experimental RFC 8046
5207 NAT and Firewall Traversal Issues of Host Identity Protocol (HIP) Communication M. Stiemerling, J. Quittek, L. Eggert Informational
5208 Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #8: Private-Key Information Syntax Specification Version 1.2 B. Kaliski Informational RFC 5958
5209 Network Endpoint Assessment (NEA): Overview and Requirements P. Sangster, H. Khosravi, M. Mani, K. Narayan, J. Tardo Informational
5210 A Source Address Validation Architecture (SAVA) Testbed and Deployment Experience J. Wu, J. Bi, X. Li, G. Ren, K. Xu, M. Williams Experimental
5211 An Internet Transition Plan J. Curran Informational
5212 Requirements for GMPLS-Based Multi-Region and Multi-Layer Networks (MRN/MLN) K. Shiomoto, D. Papadimitriou, JL. Le Roux, M. Vigoureux, D. Brungard Informational
5213 Proxy Mobile IPv6 S. Gundavelli, Ed., K. Leung, V. Devarapalli, K. Chowdhury, B. Patil Proposed standard RFC 6543, RFC 7864
5214 Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol (ISATAP) F. Templin, T. Gleeson, D. Thaler Informational
5215 RTP Payload Format for Vorbis Encoded Audio L. Barbato Proposed standard
5216 The EAP-TLS Authentication Protocol D. Simon, B. Aboba, R. Hurst Proposed standard RFC 8996, RFC 9190
5217 Memorandum for Multi-Domain Public Key Infrastructure Interoperability M. Shimaoka, Ed., N. Hastings, R. Nielsen Informational
5218 What Makes for a Successful Protocol? D. Thaler, B. Aboba Informational
5219 A More Loss-Tolerant RTP Payload Format for MP3 Audio R. Finlayson Proposed standard
5220 Problem Statement for Default Address Selection in Multi-Prefix Environments: Operational Issues of RFC 3484 Default Rules A. Matsumoto, T. Fujisaki, R. Hiromi, K. Kanayama Informational
5221 Requirements for Address Selection Mechanisms A. Matsumoto, T. Fujisaki, R. Hiromi, K. Kanayama Informational
5222 LoST: A Location-to-Service Translation Protocol T. Hardie, A. Newton, H. Schulzrinne, H. Tschofenig Proposed standard RFC 6848, RFC 8917, RFC 9036
5223 Discovering Location-to-Service Translation (LoST) Servers Using the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) H. Schulzrinne, J. Polk, H. Tschofenig Proposed standard
5224 Diameter Policy Processing Application M. Brenner Informational
5225 RObust Header Compression Version 2 (ROHCv2): Profiles for RTP, UDP, IP, ESP and UDP-Lite G. Pelletier, K. Sandlund Proposed standard
5226 Guidelines for Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs T. Narten, H. Alvestrand Best current practice RFC 8126
5227 IPv4 Address Conflict Detection S. Cheshire Proposed standard
5228 Sieve: An Email Filtering Language P. Guenther, Ed., T. Showalter, Ed. Proposed standard RFC 5229, RFC 5429, RFC 6785, RFC 9042
5229 Sieve Email Filtering: Variables Extension K. Homme Proposed standard RFC 5173
5230 Sieve Email Filtering: Vacation Extension T. Showalter, N. Freed, Ed. Proposed standard RFC 8580
5231 Sieve Email Filtering: Relational Extension W. Segmuller, B. Leiba Proposed standard
5232 Sieve Email Filtering: Imap4flags Extension A. Melnikov Proposed standard
5233 Sieve Email Filtering: Subaddress Extension K. Murchison Proposed standard
5234 Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF D. Crocker, Ed., P. Overell Internet standard RFC 7405
5235 Sieve Email Filtering: Spamtest and Virustest Extensions C. Daboo Proposed standard
5236 Improved Packet Reordering Metrics A. Jayasumana, N. Piratla, T. Banka, A. Bare, R. Whitner Informational
5237 IANA Allocation Guidelines for the Protocol Field J. Arkko, S. Bradner Best current practice
5238 Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) over the Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP) T. Phelan Proposed standard RFC 8996
5239 A Framework for Centralized Conferencing M. Barnes, C. Boulton, O. Levin Proposed standard
5240 Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) Bootstrap Router MIB B. Joshi, R. Bijlani Proposed standard
5241 Naming Rights in IETF Protocols A. Falk, S. Bradner Informational
5242 A Generalized Unified Character Code: Western European and CJK Sections J. Klensin, H. Alvestrand Informational
5243 OSPF Database Exchange Summary List Optimization R. Ogier Informational RFC 9454
5244 Definition of Events for Channel-Oriented Telephony Signalling H. Schulzrinne, T. Taylor Proposed standard
5245 Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE): A Protocol for Network Address Translator (NAT) Traversal for Offer/Answer Protocols J. Rosenberg Proposed standard RFC 8445, RFC 8839 RFC 6336
5246 The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2 T. Dierks, E. Rescorla Proposed standard RFC 8446 RFC 5746, RFC 5878, RFC 6176, RFC 7465, RFC 7507, RFC 7568, RFC 7627, RFC 7685, RFC 7905, RFC 7919, RFC 8447, RFC 9155
5247 Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) Key Management Framework B. Aboba, D. Simon, P. Eronen Proposed standard RFC 8940
5248 A Registry for SMTP Enhanced Mail System Status Codes T. Hansen, J. Klensin Best current practice
5249 Templates for Internet-Drafts Containing MIB Modules D. Harrington, Ed. Best current practice
5250 The OSPF Opaque LSA Option L. Berger, I. Bryskin, A. Zinin, R. Coltun Proposed standard
5251 Layer 1 VPN Basic Mode D. Fedyk, Ed., Y. Rekhter, Ed., D. Papadimitriou, R. Rabbat, L. Berger Proposed standard
5252 OSPF-Based Layer 1 VPN Auto-Discovery I. Bryskin, L. Berger Proposed standard
5253 Applicability Statement for Layer 1 Virtual Private Network (L1VPN) Basic Mode T. Takeda, Ed. Informational
5254 Requirements for Multi-Segment Pseudowire Emulation Edge-to-Edge (PWE3) N. Bitar, Ed., M. Bocci, Ed., L. Martini, Ed. Informational
5255 Internet Message Access Protocol Internationalization C. Newman, A. Gulbrandsen, A. Melnikov Proposed standard
5256 Internet Message Access Protocol - SORT and THREAD Extensions M. Crispin, K. Murchison Proposed standard RFC 5957
5257 Internet Message Access Protocol - ANNOTATE Extension C. Daboo, R. Gellens Experimental
5258 Internet Message Access Protocol version 4 - LIST Command Extensions B. Leiba, A. Melnikov Proposed standard
5259 Internet Message Access Protocol - CONVERT Extension A. Melnikov, Ed., P. Coates, Ed. Proposed standard
5260 Sieve Email Filtering: Date and Index Extensions N. Freed Proposed standard
5261 An Extensible Markup Language (XML) Patch Operations Framework Utilizing XML Path Language (XPath) Selectors J. Urpalainen Proposed standard
5262 Presence Information Data Format (PIDF) Extension for Partial Presence M. Lonnfors, E. Leppanen, H. Khartabil, J. Urpalainen Proposed standard
5263 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Extension for Partial Notification of Presence Information M. Lonnfors, J. Costa-Requena, E. Leppanen, H. Khartabil Proposed standard RFC 8996
5264 Publication of Partial Presence Information A. Niemi, M. Lonnfors, E. Leppanen Proposed standard
5265 Mobile IPv4 Traversal across IPsec-Based VPN Gateways S. Vaarala, E. Klovning Proposed standard
5266 Secure Connectivity and Mobility Using Mobile IPv4 and IKEv2 Mobility and Multihoming (MOBIKE) V. Devarapalli, P. Eronen Best current practice
5267 Contexts for IMAP4 D. Cridland, C. King Proposed standard RFC 5465, RFC 9394
5268 Mobile IPv6 Fast Handovers R. Koodli, Ed. Proposed standard RFC 5568
5269 Distributing a Symmetric Fast Mobile IPv6 (FMIPv6) Handover Key Using SEcure Neighbor Discovery (SEND) J. Kempf, R. Koodli Proposed standard
5270 Mobile IPv6 Fast Handovers over IEEE 802.16e Networks H. Jang, J. Jee, Y. Han, S. Park, J. Cha Informational
5271 Mobile IPv6 Fast Handovers for 3G CDMA Networks H. Yokota, G. Dommety Informational
5272 Certificate Management over CMS (CMC) J. Schaad, M. Myers Proposed standard RFC 6402
5273 Certificate Management over CMS (CMC): Transport Protocols J. Schaad, M. Myers Proposed standard RFC 6402
5274 Certificate Management Messages over CMS (CMC): Compliance Requirements J. Schaad, M. Myers Proposed standard RFC 6402
5275 CMS Symmetric Key Management and Distribution S. Turner Proposed standard
5276 Using the Server-Based Certificate Validation Protocol (SCVP) to Convey Long-Term Evidence Records C. Wallace Proposed standard
5277 NETCONF Event Notifications S. Chisholm, H. Trevino Proposed standard
5278 IANA Registration of Enumservices for Voice and Video Messaging J. Livingood, D. Troshynski Proposed standard RFC 6118
5279 A Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) A. Monrad, S. Loreto Informational
5280 Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile D. Cooper, S. Santesson, S. Farrell, S. Boeyen, R. Housley, W. Polk Proposed standard RFC 6818, RFC 8398, RFC 8399, RFC 9549, RFC 9598, RFC 9608
5281 Extensible Authentication Protocol Tunneled Transport Layer Security Authenticated Protocol Version 0 (EAP-TTLSv0) P. Funk, S. Blake-Wilson Informational RFC 8996, RFC 9427
5282 Using Authenticated Encryption Algorithms with the Encrypted Payload of the Internet Key Exchange version 2 (IKEv2) Protocol D. Black, D. McGrew Proposed standard
5283 LDP Extension for Inter-Area Label Switched Paths (LSPs) B. Decraene, JL. Le Roux, I. Minei Proposed standard
5284 User-Defined Errors for RSVP G. Swallow, A. Farrel Proposed standard
5285 A General Mechanism for RTP Header Extensions D. Singer, H. Desineni Proposed standard RFC 8285
5286 Basic Specification for IP Fast Reroute: Loop-Free Alternates A. Atlas, Ed., A. Zinin, Ed. Proposed standard RFC 8518
5287 Control Protocol Extensions for the Setup of Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM) Pseudowires in MPLS Networks A. Vainshtein, Y(J). Stein Proposed standard
5288 AES Galois Counter Mode (GCM) Cipher Suites for TLS J. Salowey, A. Choudhury, D. McGrew Proposed standard RFC 9325
5289 TLS Elliptic Curve Cipher Suites with SHA-256/384 and AES Galois Counter Mode (GCM) E. Rescorla Proposed standard
5290 Comments on the Usefulness of Simple Best-Effort Traffic S. Floyd, M. Allman Informational
5291 Outbound Route Filtering Capability for BGP-4 E. Chen, Y. Rekhter Proposed standard
5292 Address-Prefix-Based Outbound Route Filter for BGP-4 E. Chen, S. Sangli Proposed standard
5293 Sieve Email Filtering: Editheader Extension J. Degener, P. Guenther Proposed standard
5294 Host Threats to Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) P. Savola, J. Lingard Informational
5295 Specification for the Derivation of Root Keys from an Extended Master Session Key (EMSK) J. Salowey, L. Dondeti, V. Narayanan, M. Nakhjiri Proposed standard
5296 EAP Extensions for EAP Re-authentication Protocol (ERP) V. Narayanan, L. Dondeti Proposed standard RFC 6696
5297 Synthetic Initialization Vector (SIV) Authenticated Encryption Using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) D. Harkins Informational
5298 Analysis of Inter-Domain Label Switched Path (LSP) Recovery T. Takeda, Ed., A. Farrel, Ed., Y. Ikejiri, JP. Vasseur Informational